Shop, Dine, Play & Do in the Catskills
About Us

People and economic vitality. That’s what we're all about. A Time and A Place is a positive, personality- and event-driven publication. We are proud boosters of the Catskill Mountains region and it’s many unique businesses and events.
Our monthly magazine blends regional interest stories with visual and culinary arts and outdoor pursuits. We are thrilled to celebrate the triumphs of our neighbors and local businesses and communities, and we share them in our profile stories. We tell the stories you won’t find in other publications, and we search for informative and engaging articles that resonate with our readers.
Small Business is a Big Deal at ATAAP

ATAAP has a two-fold purpose. We exist to connect you with the passions, challenges, and successes of our local villages and hamlets, and those who reside here... plus we promote the interests of the businesses in our communities, and help them to grow and prosper.
When it’s time to Shop, Dine, Play and Do here in the Catskill Mountains, we hope you'll choose to do so at your local retailers, restaurants, and service providers and support your local producers with your purchases.
When you favor our advertisers with your business, please be sure to share with them that you saw their ad or read about them in A Time and A Place magazine. They’ll appreciate it, and you’ll be supporting another local business... us!
Meet the Team

Gretchen Balcom
Owner & Publisher
Gretchen has over 35 years experience in the advertising industry. A passionate supporter of the Delaware, Schoharie, Otsego and Ulster county businesses, she enjoys helping them plan and execute their marketing needs.

Kimberly Smith
Gretchen’s daughter, a mother herself, a teacher and coach, Kim was raised and still resides in Delaware County. Kim is
a great communicator, an accomplished organizer and expert marketer. She’s enjoying this
new family venture.

Lauree Griffis
Design & Production
An award-winning designer and
30-year veteran in the print industry, Lauree has worked for FOX Television, The Arc, and The National Main Street Organization, and local newspapers and magazines. She specializes in branding and marketing for
small businesses.